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Social Identity Threat and Academic Achievement

Research Questions

How do group-based threats to social identity (e.g., stereotype threat, group-based discrimination) shape biological and psychological stress responses?

What role do biological and psychological stress responses play in shaping educational outcomes?

Green, D.J., Wout, D.A., & Murphy, M.C. (2021). Learning Goals Mitigate Identity Threat for Black Individuals in Otherwise Threatening Interracial Interactions. Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority Psychology, 27(2), 201–213.

Muenks, K.M., Canning, E.A., LaCosse, J., Green, D.J., Zirkel, S., Garcia, J.A., & Murphy, M.C. (2020). Does my professor think my ability can change? Students’ perceptions of their stem professors’ mindset predict in-class psychological experiences. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 149(11), 2119–2144.

Canning, E.A., Muenks, K., Green, D.J., & Murphy, M.C. (2019). STEM Faculty Who Believe Ability Is Innate Have Larger Racial Achievement Gaps and Inspire Less Student Motivation in Their Classes. Science Advances, 5(2).

Heissel, J.A., Levy, D.J., & Adam, E.K. (2017). Stress, sleep, and performance on standardized tests:  Understudied pathways to the achievement gap. AERA Open.