
Dorainne Green

Principal Investigator
B.A. Psychology, Rice University, 2010
Ph.D. Northwestern University, 2016

Dorainne Green (she/her/hers) is the director of the Navigating Intergroup Contexts and Emotions Lab. She is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Psychological and Brain Sciences at Indiana University where she is also a Faculty Affiliate at the Center for Research on Race and Ethnicity in Society (CRRES). Her research interests center broadly on understanding and addressing the factors that contribute to social inequality by focusing on social identity threat—instances where individuals feel like one or more of their social identities may be devalued or disrespected.  In particular, her work investigates how threats to social identity including group-based discrimination and stereotype threat shape cognitive, psychological, behavioral, and physiological outcomes that, in turn, have implications for disparities in many life domains including education and health. A primary interest of her research is the identification of strategies to help people manage the challenges of navigating diverse spaces, including those most likely to trigger social identity threat. Dorainne received her B.A. from Rice University and earned her Ph.D. in Social Psychology from Northwestern University. As a CRRES postdoctoral fellow, she completed her postdoctoral training in the Department of Psychological and Brain Sciences at Indiana University.

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